Humor in Parenting

My aunt told me “You gotta have a sense of humor to be a parent, otherwise, you’ll end up in jail.” I laughed so hard when she told me that! Funny thing is, she is absolutely right! Those adorable little faces are just a cover up! Children can be such little gremlins! But hey, we were all children at one point right? On some level we as parents have to take a moment and just flash back to when we were children. I do this plenty of times, and it just provides a moment of pause. In that moment I can say, “Meh I did way worse”.

So what does she mean by saying a sense of humor must be involved in parenting? Well, it is not rocket science. It is quite simple. Sometimes, you just have to laugh at the things your children do. One time I walked into my room to see that my daughter had  completely, and I mean completely covered herself in my “fun time lubricant”. I will let you all figure out what that is, hehe. It was the kind that warmed up when applied to the…area so she was bouncing around because it was heating up on her skin. I stood there, mouth open, face twisted. I was confused, grossed out, embarrassed, and a host of other things. I tried to pick her up and she slipped right out of my hands like a greased up piglet or something. She was crying and I was trying to comfort her. Poor thing, she thought she was being a big girl and moisturizing her skin! Her intentions were good even though she had gone through my personal stuff that I’d forbidden them from messing with. I couldn’t be upset at all. I just laughed and kissed her well lubricated face. I got the softest towel I could find and gently removed as much as I could before giving her a nice warm bath. How could I have put her in time out or yelled at her for that? I just had to step back and laugh.

Parenting is not easy at all. I have four children, a step-son, and a belly baby. When I tell you I am just winging it, please believe every word I speak. I love my children and will always try and do the best for them. No matter how many parenting books you read, there is never enough advice! Every child is different. Every household is different. Every situation is different. So when you walk into your child’s room and it’s covered in baby powder, toy blocks, and crumbled potato chips, just remember you were a child too. I am pretty sure you did way worse.

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